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Meet the FCC Board

Al Dudley
Al and his wife, Brenda, farm west of Stuart. Al's parents, children, and now grandchildren attend FCC.

Ben Sloss
Ben and his wife, Loretta, are retired local business owners, always ready and willing to help and serve.

Bill Schafer
Bill passed to his eternal home with his Lord and Savior on December 28, 2022.
Read more here.

H.A. Gross
Our church family is blessed by H.A.'s cheerful wit. He and his wife Cindy own Plaza Printers in Urbandale.

Jim Belden
Jim s now retired after many years of service at First State Bank. He and his wife, Diane, have been FCC members for decades.

Tony Bennett
Tony and his wife, Roxanna, have been longtime members of FCC. They both enjoy serving at and with our church.

Meet the FCC Deacons

Bill & Sharon
Bill & Sharon are long-time members of FCC and have served in many areas over the years.
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