Good morning!
Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father call us close His side today, closer to His heart. Father, too often and too easily we drift away from you. Neglect creeping throughout our daily habits and attitudes, replacing sincerity. Father, help us to be intentional with our Bible reading, in prayer, and in fellowship with one another. May we not become as lazy as respectability allows with our faith. For you God, are the only other one who walks in the garden of our thought-life. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, by the Spirit, walk with us daily, into the very depths of our inner being. And transform us! Amen.
Your Morning Song: "Is He Worthy?" by Andrew Peterson
Your Morning Scripture: Matthew 5:27-28
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Living our everyday life as one of God's sons or daughters is to daily face our sin. Even now, though once saved always saved, our sin still crouches at the door of our heart, desiring to have us. To ruin us. To embitter us. To rule us.
But we must master it. We must wage war against our own sin. Daily.
But where do we start?
In our thoughts. The reality is that we can sin without ever acting with our body. Sin is sin in our very thoughts.
And that is why I've occasionally used the phrase, "the garden of your thought-life." Because it is there, in your mind, that sin begins. And though it may work its way out into your life, sinful thoughts alone are enough to kill the intimacy between us and our Heavenly Father.
And that is the foundational piece of misunderstanding where sin begins that so many of us mess up. We think that if we can behave a certain way, often enough, for long enough, that our somewhat distant, disinterested God will rubber stamp our soul so that we can avoid Hell.
Our Heavenly Father is not distant, or disinterested. He longs for deep and abiding intimacy with His children. But make no mistake, we can certainly still be His children, and be blinded to His nearness and deaf to His love, because we don't deal with our sin, not just without, but within.
How is the garden of your thought-life? When was the last time you walked with your Heavenly Father in the cool of the day in your mind? When was the last time you dealt with your sin in prayer-full confession the God who made you, and by saving you, made you His own?
It is no mistake that the gardener often pulls weeds in the same position as the Christian deals with their sin, on their knees.

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