Good morning!
Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father call us from out of our autopilot living. Father, I too often and too easily blinded by the hustle of daily living. Blinded to what you are doing in my life. You have given me everything I need, and more! In the words of a dying man, "I am so blessed!" This ought to be the daily refrain of all of God's Children. May there be no other. For we are well and truly blessed. Father, in the powerful name of Jesus, plant contentedness in the garden of our thought-life, and cause peace to bubble up from out of our wellspring hearts. Until our very bodies mirror outwardly the inward reality that we are loved by you.
Your Morning Song: "Holy Holy Holy" by Reawaken Hymns
Your Morning Scripture: Proverbs 14:30
A heart at peace gives life to the body,
but envy rots the bones.
Can you tell me where to draw the line between my physical body and my spirit? Where does the outer man end and the inner man begin? No human can say. And I have a sneaking suspicion that we are not meant to know.
Because it is more important to consider how the two interact with each other, our body and our soul.
Your internal thought-life and what things stir about in the deeps of your well-spring heart will always be present in your body.
What thoughts have you been thinking, or avoiding? What emotions have you been embracing, or rejecting? And what role have you allowed God to have in these most intimate spaces within you? None? Some?
Are you content in your heart and mind?
Or are you bitter over what someone else has, that you don't?
Contentment, the peace-full heart, is good for your body.
Envy, longing to have what God has given someone else, is bad for your body down into your bones.
How are you doing with this? What is your heart full of? What is your attitude like? If we could hear each others' thoughts right now, would we be ashamed of what the other hears, you and I?
How comforting it is to pursue God's Will in my heart and mind, to be at peace with what He has given to me and what He has allowed to happen! He comforts my lowly heart so deeply that His comfort echoes out into my very body!
I can face all things, have all things, have no things, weep, rejoice, and embrace all things, because Jesus, my Lord and Savior, has given me all that I need to be content in my heart and mind.
He has given me Himself. And more!
May our bodies ring out with the echo of the peace of Christ, alive in us by the Spirit in us, for the Father who delights in us, as we delight in Him.
