Good morning!
Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father remind us that He is near, that He love us, and that He cares! Father, too easily and too often we just how much you love us. You give us the breath in our lungs. You make our every heart beat. You are perfectly near. Help us to trust you when we can't see your presence. Help us to seek you when we don't feel you. In the powerful name of Jesus, please help us to entrust ourselves to you. Amen.
Your Morning Song: "God is Near" by Rend Collective
Your Morning Scripture: Matthew 10:29-31
Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Are you afraid? Does your heart sour at the horror of this sin-broken world? Do the struggles of life and living ever burden your heart until you cry out to God, "where are you?"
"Don't you care?"
It is healthy for our hearts to admit the truth of our feelings, but only if we can also admit that our feelings are often wrong, or incomplete.
Ever felt abandoned over unnoticed by God? Ever felt like He doesn't love you, that He doesn't care?
That's okay. I get it. And so does God.
But you're wrong. And that's great!
Because God does love you. Back into the beginning, as written in Genesis 1, God made all things, and with each day of creation He called the things He made good. And then He made people, but He did not call them good. He called them very good!
God cares about sparrows. In the time just before Jesus's death and resurrection, sparrows were seen as cheap, meager food. And worth very little.
And yet Jesus says here to His disciples, God cares about sparrows. Not a single one escapes His care and notice.
How much more so does God then love His children?
How much more does God love you, than a sparrow?
It is so easy to forget how much God loves us sometimes. We feel small, insignificant, forgotten, neglected. And we're wrong.
God loves you more than you do.
God cares more about your daily life than you do.
God is doing more for you than you are.
Let's take our feelings to God and submit them to the truth of His great and ever-present love for us, His children through Jesus.
God sees you. God loves you. God is near to you.
Trust in Him. Rest in Him. Follow His guiding word.
