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Writer's pictureColby Anderson

Your Morning Coffee 10/14/2024

Good morning!

Welcome to your morning coffee! May our Heavenly Father remind us afresh and anew just who He is, and what He is up to in our everyday lives. Father, we desperately need you. And you deeply love us! Thank you for meeting and exceeding our every need. Thank you for your grace over our mistaking wants for needs. In the powerful name of Jesus, by the Spirit, help us rest in and trust in your steadfast, forever love for us. Father, you never fail. Amen.

Your Morning Song: "Good Grace" by Hillsong United

Your Morning Scripture: Lamentations 3:22-23

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.


It's happening again.

Maybe it was a stubbed toe, or a lost sock. Maybe an extra stuffy nose, or a leak that just wouldn't stop. I can't remember how it started, but stuff just started going wrong. Life got all together all of the sudden hard.

Like a thousand waves on a thousand shores, this seems to happen in my life (and perhaps yours). Waves of difficulty and suffering and struggle wash up and over us, made up of all manner of hardship and heartache. Big and small. Sudden and slow. Short and tall, it all adds up to...


Have you ever felt that before?

It is reasonable that, as the waves of life roll over us, and we feel like we're drowning, we might want to give up. We might want to start checking out, phoning it in, going through the motions.


Ever want to have at least some way to measure just exactly how much God loves you? Put your pain up against the power of His love. Compare your suffering to the sweetness of His mercies.

God's love for us is always greater than our pain. God's mercies will always match and then exceed the number of our sufferings.

God's faithful, steadfast love and forever new and increasing mercies are always greater and always more than any of our struggles or sufferings.

Every morning God gives fresh mercies to us. We wake, we breathe, we live and move and speak and do, and God makes us able. And He walks with us in all places.

Let the waves come. Instead of drowning we will swim. Instead of despairing we will hope. Instead of quitting, we will endure.

Because God.

Because our God loves us. And is always with us.

Great is His faithfulness. He will never leave us or forsake us. His love will never be defeated. His mercies will never be exceeded.

Never. Never. Never.

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